Source code for selectionfunctions.source

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Provides a new class that extends astropy SkyCoord.
# Copyright (C) 2020  Douglas Boubert
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

from __future__ import print_function, division

import astropy.coordinates as coordinates
import astropy.units as units

from functools import wraps

class Photometry():
    def __init__(self,photometry,photometry_error):
        self.measurement = {k:v for k,v in photometry.items()}
        self.error = {k:v for k,v in photometry_error.items()} if photometry_error is not None else None

class Source():
    def __init__(self,*args,photometry={},photometry_error={},**kwargs):
        self.coord = coordinates.SkyCoord(*args,**kwargs)
        self.photometry = Photometry(photometry,photometry_error) if photometry is not None else None

[docs]def ensure_distance(f): """ A decorator for class methods of the form .. code-block:: python Class.method(self, coords, **kwargs) where ``coords`` is an :obj:`astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` object. The decorator ensures that the ``coords`` that gets passed to ``Class.method`` is a flat array of Equatorial coordinates. It also reshapes the output of ``Class.method`` to have the same shape (possibly scalar) as the input ``coords``. If the output of ``Class.method`` is a tuple or list (instead of an array), each element in the output is reshaped instead. Args: f (class method): A function with the signature ``(self, coords, **kwargs)``, where ``coords`` is a :obj:`SkyCoord` object containing an array. Returns: A function that takes :obj:`SkyCoord` input with any shape (including scalar). """ @wraps(f) def _wrapper_func(self, sources, **kwargs): # t0 = time.time() has_distance = hasattr(sources.coord, 'distance') if has_distance: pass else: raise ValueError('You need to pass in a distance to use this selection function.') out = f(self, sources, **kwargs) return out return _wrapper_func
[docs]def ensure_gaia_g(f): """ A decorator for class methods of the form .. code-block:: python Class.method(self, coords, **kwargs) where ``coords`` is an :obj:`astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` object. The decorator ensures that the ``coords`` that gets passed to ``Class.method`` is a flat array of Equatorial coordinates. It also reshapes the output of ``Class.method`` to have the same shape (possibly scalar) as the input ``coords``. If the output of ``Class.method`` is a tuple or list (instead of an array), each element in the output is reshaped instead. Args: f (class method): A function with the signature ``(self, coords, **kwargs)``, where ``coords`` is a :obj:`SkyCoord` object containing an array. Returns: A function that takes :obj:`SkyCoord` input with any shape (including scalar). """ @wraps(f) def _wrapper_func(self, sources, **kwargs): # t0 = time.time() has_photometry = hasattr(sources, 'photometry') if has_photometry: has_gaia_g = 'gaia_g' in sources.photometry.measurement.keys() if has_gaia_g: pass else: print('No Gaia G passed, but transformation is not yet implemented.') raise ValueError('You need to pass in Gaia G-band photometric magnitudes to use this selection function.') else: raise ValueError('You need to pass in Gaia G-band photometric magnitudes to use this selection function.') out = f(self, sources, **kwargs) return out return _wrapper_func
[docs]def ensure_gaia_g_gaia_rp(f): """ A decorator for class methods of the form .. code-block:: python Class.method(self, coords, **kwargs) where ``coords`` is an :obj:`astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` object. The decorator ensures that the ``coords`` that gets passed to ``Class.method`` is a flat array of Equatorial coordinates. It also reshapes the output of ``Class.method`` to have the same shape (possibly scalar) as the input ``coords``. If the output of ``Class.method`` is a tuple or list (instead of an array), each element in the output is reshaped instead. Args: f (class method): A function with the signature ``(self, coords, **kwargs)``, where ``coords`` is a :obj:`SkyCoord` object containing an array. Returns: A function that takes :obj:`SkyCoord` input with any shape (including scalar). """ @wraps(f) def _wrapper_func(self, sources, **kwargs): # t0 = time.time() has_photometry = hasattr(sources, 'photometry') if has_photometry: has_gaia_g_gaia_rp = ('gaia_g_gaia_rp' in sources.photometry.measurement.keys()) | \ (('gaia_g' in sources.photometry.measurement.keys())&\ ('gaia_rp'in sources.photometry.measurement.keys())) if has_gaia_g_gaia_rp | ( not self.require_colour ): pass else: print('No Gaia G-Grp passed.') raise ValueError('You need to pass in Gaia G-Grp photometric colour to use this selection function.') else: raise ValueError('You need to pass in Gaia G-band photometric magnitudes and G-Grp colour to use this selection function.') out = f(self, sources, **kwargs) return out return _wrapper_func
[docs]def ensure_tmass_hjk(f): """ A decorator for class methods of the form .. code-block:: python Class.method(self, coords, **kwargs) where ``coords`` is an :obj:`astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` object. The decorator ensures that the ``coords`` that gets passed to ``Class.method`` is a flat array of Equatorial coordinates. It also reshapes the output of ``Class.method`` to have the same shape (possibly scalar) as the input ``coords``. If the output of ``Class.method`` is a tuple or list (instead of an array), each element in the output is reshaped instead. Args: f (class method): A function with the signature ``(self, coords, **kwargs)``, where ``coords`` is a :obj:`SkyCoord` object containing an array. Returns: A function that takes :obj:`SkyCoord` input with any shape (including scalar). """ @wraps(f) def _wrapper_func(self, sources, **kwargs): # t0 = time.time() has_photometry = hasattr(sources, 'photometry') if has_photometry: has_tmass_h = 'tmass_h' in sources.photometry.measurement.keys() has_tmass_jk = 'tmass_jk' in sources.photometry.measurement.keys() if has_tmass_h: pass else: print('No 2MASS H magnitude passed (tmass_h), but transformation is not yet implemented.') raise ValueError('You need to pass in 2MASS H photometric magnitudes to use this selection function.') if has_tmass_jk: pass else: print('No 2MASS J-K colour passed (tmass_jk), but transformation is not yet implemented.') raise ValueError('You need to pass in 2MASS J-K colour to use this selection function.') else: raise ValueError('You need to pass in 2MASS H photometric magnitudes and J-K colours to use this selection function.') out = f(self, sources, **kwargs) return out return _wrapper_func